C.A.R.E. About You

C.A.R.E. About You

Imagine if… You could learn tools to help you develop resilience and self-compassion that work. When that happens, you’ll see a “ripple effect” and your staff will become an extension of your good work. Yes, a bubble bath is nice, but nothing beats know that you and your staff are the best you can be for self-care.

The heart of what I teach is the importance of putting compassion at the center of everything we do. While bubble baths, movie night, and buying yourself flowers are great – don’t stop doing those things – they’re only part of true self care. Now, before you groan and tell me that you don’t want to hear another word about mindfulness or resilience or self-care – hear me out!

“Putting compassion at the center of everything we do must start with you. If you don’t know what self-compassion feels like, or how to exemplify compassion to your staff, how will they be able to show compassion to each other or their patients?”

In the coming posts, and in my online continuing education courses, you’ll learn tools that will help you develop resilience for yourself – self-compassion. You’ll realize a ripple effect when your staff becomes an extension of your good work. If you’re like me, you probably became a nurse leader because you wanted to extend your reach. After all, when you take care of your patient assignment, those are the only patients that enjoy your competence and caring. But when you become a nurse leader, you extend that reach by working with your staff to become competent, caring nurses, that you would be proud to have caring for your own family.

Self-compassion is just the beginning. We’ll be talking about how to extend compassionate care to your staff, and to your patients and their families. We’ll be using a step-by-step process I call C.A.R.E. It will work with any facility, charting system, or care delivery model because it’s a shift in perspective, not a policy or procedure. I’m looking forward to introducing you to all of the steps. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Click the button to register for the continuing education portal. You can take some free courses to try things out. There’s also a free ebook to give you an overview.
