C.A.R.E. Notes

Applying Compassion to Yourself, Your Co-Workers, and Your Patients

Compassion Centered C.A.R.E. and C.A.R.E. Notes Online ISSN: 2771-1536

How do you deal with inpatient patients? "I need to feed my animals" with a picture of three goats

I need to feed my animals!

The other day, I read a post that was supposed to be funny on a nurse group over on Facebook. There was a cartoon of a patient being impatient about …

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CARE About Listening with photo of little girl with headphones one

Listening Skills

We like to think of ourselves as good listeners, but it’s important to take a closer look at our listening skills. Listening is a key component of assessment. We need …

Listening Skills Read More »

You can't pour from an empty cup. Red tea pot pouring tea into a red cup.

You can’t pour from an empty cup

A couple of years ago, our organization was going through a Medicare audit and I was tasked with coordinating the effort to copy charts, write supporting letters, and get everything …

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Remembering Maria. Woman opera singer

Remembering Maria

When I was a new hospice nurse, I attended a care planning meeting at a Long Term Care Facility. The facility staff reported that they wanted to increase our patient’s …

Remembering Maria Read More »

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